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for siding with the revolted Akahal, while in 1511 messengers were received by Hunyg and Lahun Noh, then ruling, from Montecuzoma.

It is perhaps impossible in the present state of our knowledge to unravel the myths given above sufficiently to determine with accuracy the routes taken by the different tribes, but still the general trend of migrations may perhaps be gathered from them. The place-name Nonoual, which occurs both in the books of Chilan Balam and the annals of the Kakchiquel, is valuable as a fixed point, since it seems possible to determine the locality with reasonable certainty. The Kakchiquel obviously reached Nonoual from the west, and then retraced their steps before turning southward into Guatemala; thus they always regarded Nonoual as lying in the east. For the Tutul Xiu however it lay in the west, and this people had settled at Balcalarin southern Yucatan before they moved north to Chichen Itza. If we add to this the information found in the Kakchiquel annals that the inhabitants lived in boats, the conclusion seems inevitable that Nonoual lay somewhere on the coast between the lower reaches of the Papaloapan and of the Usumacinta. This agrees absolutely with the site of the region known to the Mexicans as Nonoualco, and the "sea" crossed by the Quiché and Kakchiquel before they arrived there may be one of the lagoons of the Papaloapan basin. The name of Tulan, the starting-point of the migrations, affords greater difficulties. Tulan is usually mentioned with the addition of the name Zuiva, and the Popol Vuh gives it a further title which means the "seven caverns," and so brings it into direct relation with the Chicomoztoc at which the various Nahua tribes foregathered before they descended upon the Mexican valley (see p. 14). For the Kakchiquel, Tulan was also the starting-point, but Zuiva lay beyond Nonoual, and evidently not far from it; and this agrees with the Books of Chilan Balam, since in the latter Nonoual ap-