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roof, to enshrine the mural tablet which probably served as an object of worship (Fig. 77).

The methods of the Maya builder, and in particular

Fig. 77.—Section through the Temple of the Cross, Palenque (lintels restored): see Fig. 76, 6.
a. Stairway. h. Original position of mural tablet.
b. Pillar (restored). i. Masonry arch-brace.
c. Vestibule. j. Capstones of doorway arch.
d. Doorway to inner side chamber. k. Partition-wall.
e. Large doorway to inner main chamber. l. Steps for ascending roof-crest through middle floor.
f. Doorway to shrine. m. Middle floor and roof of roof-crest.
g. Shrine.
(After Holmes)

his ignorance of the true arch, rendered the construction of an edifice of more than one storey (apart from the roof-comb) a matter of considerable difficulty. Nevertheless buildings of two, and even three tiers of