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is given as that of the creation, and the sign is especially associated with Tonacatecutli and fruitfulness.

2. Eecatl. The head of the wind-god; typifying instability.

3. Calli. A house, implying rest; associated with Tepeyollotl.

4. Quetzpalin. A lizard, associated with the rising of the water and fertility; also with a god Ueuecoyotl (the "Old Wolf").

Fig 7.—Mexican day signs.
a. cipactli. h. tochtli. o. quauhtli.
b. eecatl. i. atl. p. cozcaquauhtli.
c. calli. j. itzcuintli. q. olin.
d. quetzpalin. k. ozomatli. r. tecpatl.
e. coatl. l. malinalli. s. quiauitl.
f. miquiztli. m. acatl. t. xochitl
g. mazatl. n. ocelotl.
(Fejérváry. Mayer MS., Liverpool}

5. Coatl. A snake, typifying poverty and homelessness; associated with Chalchiuhtlicue.

6. Miquiztli. The head of Mictlantecutli, an unlucky sign.

7. Mazatl. The head or hoof of a deer; unlucky because the deer typifies timidity; associated with Tlaloc.

8. Tochtli. A rabbit, good luck and fertility: associated with Mayauel.