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require bond from authors or printers, nor restrict the liberty of the press, which shall be limited only by the respect due to private life, morals and public peace. Under no circumstances shall a printing press be sequestrated as the corpus delicti.

The organic laws shall prescribe whatever provisions may be necessary to prevent the imprisonment, under pretext of a denunciation of offenses of the press, of the vendors, newsboys, workmen and other employees of the establishment publishing the writing denounced, unless their responsibility be previously established.

Art. 8. Public officials and employees shall respect the exercise of the right of petition, provided it be in writing and in a peaceful and respectful manner; but this right may be exercised in political matters solely by citizens.

To every petition there shall be given an answer in writing by the official to whom it may be addressed, and the said official shall be bound to inform the petitioner of the decision taken within a brief period.

Art. 9. The right peaceably to assemble or to come together for any lawful purpose shall not be abridged; but only citizens shall be permitted to exercise this right for the purpose of taking part in the political affairs of the country. No armed assembly shall have the right to deliberate.

No meeting or assembly shall be deemed unlaw-