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Territories, and to name substitutes in their absence and to appoint their successors.

XXVII. To establish professional schools of scientific research and fine arts, vocational, agricultural and trade schools, museums, libraries, observatories and other institutes of higher learning, until such time as these establishments can be supported by private funds. These powers shall not pertain exclusively to the Federal Government.

All degrees conferred by any of the above institutions shall be valid throughout the Republic.

XXVIII. To sit as an electoral college and to choose the person to assume the office of President of the Republic, either as a substitute President or as a President ad interim in the terms established by Articles 84 and 85 of this Constitution.

XXIX. To accept the resignation of the President of the Republic.

XXX. To audit the accounts which shall be submitted annually by the Executive; this audit shall comprise not only the checking of the items disbursed under the Budget but the exactness of and authorization for the expenditures in each case.

XXXI. To make all laws necessary for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the several branches of the Government.