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with the Executive through committees appointed from among its members.

III. Appoint the employees in the office of its secretary, and make all rules and regulations for the said office.

IV. Issue a call for extraordinary elections to fill any vacancies which may occur in its membership.


Of the Permanent Committee

Art. 78. During the recess of the Congress there shall be a Permanent Committee consisting of twenty-nine members, fifteen of whom shall be Representatives and fourteen Senators, appointed by the respective Houses on the eve of the day of adjournment.

Art. 79. In addition to the powers expressly vested in it by this Constitution, the Permanent Committee shall have the following powers:

I. To give its consent to the use of the national guard as provided in Article 76, Clause IV.

II. To administer the oath of office, should the occasion arise, to the President, to the Justices of the Supreme Court, to the Superior Judges of the Federal District and Territories, on such occasions as the latter officials may happen to be in the City of Mexico.