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Art. 98. No temporary disability of a Justice of the Supreme Court not exceeding one month shall be filled, provided there be otherwise a quorum. In the absence of a quorum the Congress, or in its recess the Permanent Committee, shall name a substitute selected from among the candidates submitted by the States for the election of the justice in question and not chosen, to serve during such disability. If the disability does not exceed two months, the Congress, or during its recess the Permanent Committee, shall choose at will a temporary justice.

In the event of the death, resignation or disqualification of any justice of the Supreme Court, a new election shall be held by the Congress to fill this vacancy as provided in Article 96.

If the Congress shall not be in session, the Permanent Committee shall make a temporary appointment until such time as the Congress shall convene and proceed to the corresponding election.

Art. 99. The resignation of a justice of the Supreme Court shall only be accepted for grave cause, approved by the Congress, to whom the resignation shall be tendered. In the recesses of the Congress the power to act on this matter belongs to the Permanent Committee.

Art. 100. The Supreme Court shall grant all leaves of absence of its members, when they do