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ture arising out of the application and enforcement of the Federal laws, or out of treaties concluded with foreign powers. Whenever such controversies affect only private rights, the regular local courts of the States, the Federal District and Territories shall, at the election of the plaintiff, assume jurisdiction. Appeal may be had from all judgments of first instance to the next higher tribunal of the same court in which the case was first heard. Appeal may be taken from sentences of second instance to the Supreme Court of Justice, which appeal shall be prepared, submitted and prosecuted, in accordance with the procedure provided by law.

II. All cases pertaining to admiralty law.

III. All cases to which the Federation may be a party.

IV. All cases arising between two or more States, or between any State and the Federal Government, as well as those arising between the courts of the Federal District and those of the Federal Government or of a State.

V. All cases arising between a State and one or more citizens of another State.

VI. All cases concerning diplomatic agents and consuls.

Art. 105. The Supreme Court of Justice shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all controversies arising between two or more States, between the powers of government of any State as to the con-