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domestic or foreign merchandise with taxes or duties to be collected by local custom houses or subject to inspection the said merchandise or require it to be accompanied by documents.

VII. Enact or maintain in force laws or fiscal regulations discriminating, by taxation or otherwise, between merchandise, foreign or domestic, on account of its origin, whether this discrimination be established with regard to similar local products or to similar products of foreign origin.

Art. 118. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress:

I. Establish tonnage dues or other port charges, or impose taxes or other duties upon imports or exports.

II. Keep at any time permanent troops or vessels of war.

Art. 119. Every State shall be bound to deliver without delay to the demanding authorities the fugitives from justice from other States or from foreign nations.

In such cases the writ of the court granting the extradition shall operate as a sufficient warrant for the detention of the accused for one month, in the case of extradition from one State to another, and for two months in the case of international extradition.

Art. 120. The State Governors are bound to publish and enforce the Federal laws.