Page:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 1.djvu/20

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CHAPTER 15. — Bernardo de Galvez Viceroy — Chapultepec — Galvez dies — his daughter — Haro Viceroy — Corruption of Alcaldes — Flores Viceroy — his system of ruling the northern frontier — Mining interests — II. Revilla-Gigedo Viceroy — Charles IV. — Revilla-Gigedo's colonial improvements — his advice as to California Anecdotes of his police regulations — The street of Revilla-Gigedo — Arrest of fugitive lovers — Punishes the culprits,255

CHAPTER 16. — Branciforte Viceroy — his grasping and avaricious character — Corruption tolerated — Persecution of Frenchmen — Encampments — Branciforte 's character — Azanza Viceroy — Effect of European wars on colonial trade and manufactures — Threatened revolt — Marquina Viceroy — Revolt in Jalisco — Iturrigaray Viceroy — Godoy's corruption — War — Defences against the United States — Miranda — Humboldt — Mexico taxed for European wars — Ferdinand VII. — Napoleon in Spain — King Joseph Bonaparte — Iturrigaray arrested — Garibay Viceroy,267


CHAPTER 1. — Lianza Viceroy — Audiencia — Venegas Viceroy — True sources of the Revolution — Creoles loyal to Ferdinand — Spaniards in favor of King Joseph — Mexican subscriptions for Spain — Secret union in Mexico against Spaniards — Hidalgo — Allende — First outbreak — Guanajuato sacked — Las Cruces — Mexico menaced — Indian bravery at Aculco — Marfil — Massacre at Guanajuato — Calleja — Insurgents defeated — Execution of Hidalgo,279

CHAPTER 2. — Venegas Viceroy — Rayon — Junta in 1811 — its willingness to receive Ferdinand VII. — Proclamation by the Junta — Morelos — Acapulco taken — Successes of the insurgents — Siege of Cuautla — Izucar — Orizaba — Oaxaca — Chilpanzingo — Calleja Viceroy — Iturbide — Reverses of insurgents — Morelos shot,287

CHAPTER 3. — Apodaca Viceroy — Spanish constitution of 1812 proclaimed in Mexico — Condition of the revolutionary party — Victoria — Mina lands at Soto la Marina — his efforts — Los Remedios — Guerrillas — he is shot — Padre Torres — Iturbide — Apodaca selects him to establish absolutism — Iturbide promulgates the Plan of Iguala — Army of the Three Guaranties,293

CHAPTER 4. — O'Donoju Viceroy — Conduct of Iturbide — Novella — Revolt — Treaty of Cordova — First Mexican Cortes — Iturbide Emperor — his career — exiled to Italy — Iturbide returns — arrest — execution — his character and services,301

CHAPTER 5. — Review of the condition of Mexico and the formation of parties — Viceroyal government — The people — The army — The church — Constitution of 1824 — Echavari revolts — Victoria President — Escocesses — Yorkinos — Revolts continued — Montayno — Guerrero — Gomez Pedraza President — is overthrown — Federalists — Centralists — Guerrero President — Abolition of Slavery in Mexico,307

CHAPTER 6. — Conspiracy against Guerrero by Bustamante — Guerrero betrayed and shot — Anecdote — Revolt under Santa Anna — he restores Pedraza and becomes President — Gomez Farias deposed — Church — Central Constitution of 1836 — Santa Anna — his Texan disgrace — Mexia — Bustamante President — French at Vera Cruz Revolts in the north and in the capital — Bustamante deposed — Santa Anna President,316

CHAPTER 7. — Reconquest of Texas proposed — Canalizo President ad interim — Revolution under Paredes in 1844 — Santa Anna falls — Herrera President — Texan revolt — Origin of war with the United States — Texan war for the Constitution of 1824 — Nationality recognized — Annexation to the United States — Proposition to Mexico — Herrera overthrown — Paredes President — Our minister rejected — Character of General Paredes,326