Page:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 2.djvu/126

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Comparative Resumé No. 2.

Value of the imports into the republic, $21,139,234..83
"" exports from the republic, 11,032,835..36
Excess of imports above exports, $10,106,399..47

Comparative Resumé No. 3.


Value of Articles.

Imports, $6,297, 686..30 $21,139,234..86
Deduct $557,76..16 charged to the Vera Cruz custom house for income of previous years not collected in 1844, and which sum is calculated on 30 per cent, duties, 557,767..16 1,859,223..86
—————— ——————
$5,739,919..14 $19,280,011..00
Value of exports deducted, ═════════ 11,032,835..36
Effective excess of imports in 1844, $8,247, 175..64

Comparative Resumé No. 4.

There were coined in the Mexican mints in 1844, $13,732,861. .04
There were exported in money, 8,739,220..00
Difference in favor of the mint, $4,993,641..04
As the commercial relations of the United States with Mexico, of course concern us most intimately, and are those in which we take the deepest interest, we have formed from official data in the reports of our Secretaries of the Treasury the following table of our mercantile intercourse from 1829 to 1849:

Commerce between Mexico and the United States from 1829 TO 1849.

Imports from Mexico. Exports to Mexico.
For year ending 30th Sept., 1829 $5,026,761 $2,331,151
""" 1830 5,235,241 4,837,458
""" 1832 4,293,954 3,467,541
""" 1833 5,452,818 5,408,091
""" 1834 8,066,068 5,265,053
""" 1835 9,490,446 9,029,221
""" 1836 5,615,819 6,041,635
""" 1837 5,654,002 3,880,323
""" 1838 3,127,153 2,787,362