Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/420

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to pre-emption. This irregularity was not discovered till years later, when the town had grown up on the site. It was brought to light by an employe of the land-office, who thereupon ingeniously undertook to preempt the ground for himself.

"And what came of this bold attempt upon vested interests?"

"The party was promptly fired out of town," was the reply.

Visalia is rather prolific in stories, if an "old-timer" of the right sort can be stirred up to tell them. Cattle kings, whose herds once filled the San Joaquin Valley, have retired hither. You may hear how Cattle King "Pat Murray" won his wife. She was a fascinating person in her youth, the daughter of a landlady with whom Pat Murray, then struggling and impecunious, boarded, in company with numerous mates. There was great aspiration and rivalry for her hand. Pat Murray stole a march in this wise. As they were setting off in company on an expedition he said, "The trip is a rough and dangerous one, boys. I propose that we leave our money and valuables with the old lady for safe-keeping." The rest agreed, and handed over to him their property to deliver to her. The shrewd Pat Murray represented