Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/573

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"A Rosario," poem, 130.
Abuses, administrative, 147.
Academy of San Carlos, 120.
Acambaro, 514.
Acapulco, 98, 137, 263, 289, 330; route to, 272.
Acuña, poet, 130.
Adornment of manufacturing
establishments, 174.
Agriculture, native methods of, 248,
Aguas calientes, 82, 511.
Aguas nevadas—cold drinks, 41.
Alameda in City of Mexico, 42.
Alberca Pane, baths of, 59.
Alcalde, a typical Indian, 208.
Alexandre steamship line, 1.
Alkali deposits of Lake Texcoco, 35,
All-souls' Day, 32.
Alsace-Lorraine, the Mexican, 4.
Altamirano, 129, 132.
Altata, 74.
Amatlan, 205.
Amecameca, 176.
American capital in Mexico, 512.
Americanisms in Mexico, 105.
Americans, Mexican opinions of, 62,
275; business chances for, 98.
Annario Mata, the, 523.
Annuario Universal, the, 73.
Antiquarian science, later tone
concerning, 520; a burlesque, 168.
Antiquities at City of Mexico, 119; at
San Juan Teotihuaca, 34, 193; at
Texcocingo, 171; at Texcoco, 167;
at Tula, 85; for sale, 34.
Apaches, the, 80.
Apam, 34.
Apizaco, 32, 210.
Architecture, charm of, 53, 88, 198,
269; commercial, 105; domestic, 50; ecclesiastical, 19, 41, 50; Moorish influence in, 199.
Arista, General, 138.
"Armonias," Zaragoza's, 130.
Arteaga, 122.
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé
Railroad, 80, 81.
Austin, Stephen, 134.
Aztecs, migration of, 170.


Baggage, 24, 515.
Baked ice-cream, 6.
Banana, the, 203.
Bancroft's, H. H., History, 526.
Bandelier, 520.
Banks, Mexican, 101, 103, 513.
Baz, Gustave, 130.
Belem, gate of, 45.
Belen prison, 118.
"Bells of San Blas," Longfellow's
poem of, 290.
Boarding-houses, 59.
"Border States of Mexico," Hamilton's, 100.
Boston railway companies, 74.