Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/583

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Adobe building material, 367.
Agricultural industries most
profitable, 397, 438.
Alameda, county of, 343; town of,
298; at Santa Clara, the, 351.
Alcatraz Island, 296.
Alkali soils, 390, 415, 499.
Alvarado, Mexican governor, 429.
Anaheim, 448.
Angel Island, 296.
Angora goat, the, 420.
Apacheria, 479.
Apaches, 496.
Aptos, 365.
Arcade system for streets, 426.
Architecture at San José, 349.
Architecture of San Francisco, 304,
Arizona, 469; climate of, 469, 472;
cow-boys of, 490; desert of, 469,
501, 504; hotels of, 471, 474;
irrigation in, 471; military posts in, 477; mining camps in, 482; old frontier
of, 479; rainy season in, 469;
Southern Pacific Railroad in, 480;
Southern Railroad in, 485; Spanish
antiquities in, 502, 506; stock-ranges
in, 485; Toltec ruins in, 481;
watering-place in, 499.
Army in Arizona, the, 475, 498.
Art at San Francisco, 311.
Artesia, 448.
Artesian wells, 413, 448.
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, 458.
"Auction Lunch," the, 320.
Australasia, populations of, 315;
relations of California with, 315.

Bakerstield fever, 405; town of, 405.
Barker, Captain Jack, 419.
Bee culture, 464.
Bellevue Ranch at Bakersfield, 410.
Belmont, 347, 355.
Benson, Arizona, 481.
Berkeley, 298.
Bohemian Club, the, 312.
Bonanza kings, the, 304.
Bonanza mines, the, 307, 319.
Brandy-making, 362, 442.
Brazelton, stage-robber, the, 496.
Broderick-Gwin duel, 321.
Buena Vista, Lake, 405.
Building at San Francisco, 303, 326.

Cable roads, 325, 328.
Cactus growths of the desert, 501.
Calabasas, 459.
California, agricultural products of,
323; autumn season of, 344; harbors of, 296.
"California Hill," 301, 328.
California, islands on coast of, 295;
manufacturing products of, 323;
mining yield of, 319, 323; rivers,
ephemeral character of, 402; sea-
coast of, 295; Southern, 343; South-