Page:Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive.djvu/197

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saw that matched for fact or philosophy in any publication in Mexico.

The constitution of Mexico recognizes every right recognized by our own organic law. The federal power is vested in three departments, as with us. The legislature consists of two houses. The members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected every two years, one for each forty thousand of the inhabitants. There are two senators for each state, half of them elected every two years. Congress sits from April 1 to May 31, and from Sept. 16 to Dec. 16. The president, whose term is for four years, is aided by a cabinet composed of ministers of foreign affairs, of internal affairs, of justice and instruction, of public works, of finance, of war and marine. The judicial power resides in the supreme court and in the district and circuit courts. Formerly the chief justice succeeded to the executive office in case of the death or disability of the president. Now the succession passes to the president and vice-president of the Senate, and the chairman of the standing committee of Congress, — a small representative body peculiar to the political organization of Mexico. It sits during the recess of