Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/433

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MEXICO. 393 Provincial Councils, or Mining Deputations, (Diputaciones de Mineria,) each exercising a jurisdiction independent of the civil authority, in all mining cases, in the District assigned to it, with an appeal to the Supreme Tribunal, which resided in the Capital. The Provincial Deputations were composed of deputies, chosen annually, by the Mining proprietors of each District ; and these again deputed two members of their own body to reside in the Capital, who, with a Director, appointed by the Government, an Assessor, two Fiscals, and a Civil Judge, constituted the Supreme Tribunal. A College was added to this extensive establishment; and the King assigned, for the support of the whole, one Real de plata upon each Marc of Silver coined, to be deducted from the duty of Seigneurage, which had before been paid to the Crown. A part of this revenue was destined to cover the salaries of the Supreme Tribunal, (which did not, however, exceed 25,000 dollars in all,) while the remainder defrayed the ex- penses of the College, and furnished a Capital, out of which advances, {Avios) were made, at the discretion of the Tri- bunal, to Mining Proprietors, who required funds in order to complete their works. These advances were distributed, (ac- cording to Humboldt) with more liberality than judgment ; there being instances on record of individuals having obtained "J-vios" of from two to three hundred thousand dollars, for single Mines. But although, in more than one case, the whole of the money thus improvidently invested was lost, great enterprises were encouraged by the certainty, which every respectable Miner felt, that, in an emergency, it would always be in his power to obtain assistance : and this, in conjunction with the removal of the commercial restrictions, by which the progress of the Country had before been cramped, but which were much diminished in 177^ by the Decree of Free Trade, exercised so beneficial an influence throughout New Spain,