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the outlay upon the whole in the course of a few years.

At Tlălpŭjāhuă, the Company which bears that name is in possession of eighty-six mines, the very position of many of which, in 1825, it was difficult to ascertain, from the length of time which had elapsed since they had been abandoned; none of these mines is upon a very large scale, but, from their being so numerous, a multiplicity of works have been required, all of which have been executed with the greatest activity and talent. These works extend over a surface of 21,260 yards, comprised in the 106310 Pertinencias, which belong to the Company. Thirty-nine mines were in work early in 1826; in addition to which three Haciendas had been built; a large stock of mules and horses purchased for drainage, (about 2000,) and such encouragement given to workmen, that, in lieu of 150 men, (no more could be obtained at first,) 2,300 labourers were in daily employment at the time of my last visit, (in January 1827,) by whose united efforts the appearance of the place had been entirely changed, and a flourishing town created, where, two years before, nothing but ruined houses were to be seen.

It is to be regretted that the sudden change of feeling, which took place in England, with regard to Mining adventurers in general, should have compelled the directors of the Tlălpŭjāhuă Company to suspend the execution of one of the most mag-