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Mexico of the Mexicans
Cortés. Now I depart and take myself to Spain,
So that the enemies who plot my ruin
May be confounded; yet as I depart
I still think of your happiness.
Marina My happiness, Don Hernan?
Yes; your worth
Deserves a fitting state.
Ah, what vile treason
Vexes my spirit?
Cortés. You must be well provided, wealth and state
A husband—Don Juan de Jaramillo…
Marina Cease, Hernando, cease!
Cortés. To-morrow you shall leave for Orizaba.
Marina "Tis thus you crown my loyalty and love;
Thus you abandon me? Impious man!
Thou hast a son by her thou wouldst desert:
Wouldst leave him, too? The panther of the plains
Would not desert its helpless spotted young,
And yet the puissant Christian conqueror
Is less compassionate than she.

Mexico has no actors or actresses of any note. In fact, Mexican audiences greatly prefer imported talent, French or Spanish. There is small chance for native Mexican actors, as there is no school of acting in the Republic and there is much more inducement to become a successful bull-fighter.