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Mexico of the Mexicans

President Diaz (against whom he afterwards had the satisfaction of using his arms). A military experience of fifteen years has doubtless stood him in good stead in his many battles.

His connection with the Federal Army was over and done with when, on his father's death, he and his brother Eufemio betook themselves to the Villa Ayala, to settle on the extensive haciendas which formed their heritage. The instinct of brigandage was, however, still strong within him, and part of the revenue from these estates he used to arm and equip 900 men, with which, in March, 1911, he flung himself into the Maderist Revolution against President Diaz. From the beginning of March to 24th May, when Diaz resigned, Zapata made the Revolution an excuse for every form of licence and barbarity. Towns, villages, haciendas were sacked and burned, and their inhabitants treated with revolting cruelty. With the resignation of Diaz, the activity of the bonâ fide revolutionaries naturally came to an end, but the Zapatistas continued their depredations without interruption. The political element was apparently but a second consideration in their leader's career of rapine and plunder.

Nevertheless, because of his support of the Madero Government, Zapata was not interfered with for some six months after the termination of the Diaz Presidency. Then, indeed, it was too late; for by this time his forces were greatly improved, both in numbers and equipment, and from his stronghold among the Guerrera Mountains he had extended his sway over the States of Morelos and Puebla. A force of 5,000 men sent against him by President Madero met with defeat, though led by such seasoned generals as Huerta and Figueroa.

Meanwhile, the bandit steadily widened the territory under his barbarous rule, and the people clamoured bitterly for protection. In response to their appeals, Madero had the attacking force renewed, but still without effect. Finding