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Mexico of the Mexicans

financial interests in that country have apparently been forgetful of the interests and rights of the citizens of the country whose hospitality they were enjoying.

For the purpose of correcting the erroneous impressions that have thereby been created, and for the added purpose of acquainting Americans with the simplicity, loyalty, and other admirable qualities that are to be found in the great mass of the Mexican people, this organisation has been formed.

"We favour,” says the organisation's declaration of principles, "action by the United States that will tend towards the rehabilitation of Mexico on lines that shall be mutually agreed upon, and that every effort shall be taken for complete co-operation in assisting in this rehabilitation.

"It shall also be the object of this organisation to give publicity to the actual facts as to the conditions as they exist in Mexico, in order that the American public may be convinced that intervention by force would be no less than a crime, that such intervention has not been heretofore desirable, and certainly is not necessary at the present time."

A joint commission to consider international relations was appointed by the two countries, and at the time of writing (Oct., 1916) is still sitting. Such findings of importance as it has arrived at have not yet been made public, but that its labours will be crowned with success must be the earnest hope of all good men.