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Aboriginal peoples, 3
Academia Nacional de San Carlos, 81, 84
Acapulco, port of, 128
Acolhuans, 2
Acosta, 104, 174
Agriculture, 133–135
Agricultural gods, 12–13
Aguas Calientes, State of, 122
———— ————, conference at, 200, 201, 208
Agüeros, Victoriano, 69
Alarcon, Monsignor, Archbishop of Mexico, 106
Albarez, Victoriano Salado, 71
Alcarreca, Ygnacio, 93
Almanza, Cleofas, 93
Altamirano, Ignacio M., 74
Alvarado, Pedro de, 8
Anahuac ("Place by the Water"), 1, 2, 161
Arboriculture, Board of Forestry and, 150
Architecture, 9, 86–89
Armaments, 56
Army, 55–57
Art, 80
Artes y Letres, journal, 69
Artillery, 56
Asphalt, 152
Axayacatl, King, 6, 10
Aztec civilisation (type of), 9, 10, 14
———— Government, 10–11
Aztecs, 1, 2, 5, 6, 151, 156, 161–4
Bajio, 123
Baptista, Juan, 65
Barbarities, 175
Barra, Señor de la, 190
Beggars, 41
Biblioteca Nacional, 85
Big game, 114
Boatmen, 44
Bowling, 113

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbé, 105
Bribiesca, Alberto, 92
Bringas, Señor, 91
British trade in Mexico, 146–149
Building operations, 47
Bull-fighting, 109–111
Cabazeros (sheep's-head vendors), 43
Cabrera, Don Luis, 154
Café life, 45
Cakchiquel, 4
California, loss of, 16
Calumet, 52
Camaxtli (a god of the Tlascalans), 5
Campa, Luis, 92
Campeachy, 58, 131–132
Can-Ek, Jacinto, 102
Capello del Rosario at Puebla, 88
Carranza, Venustiano, 199–200, 202, 203, 206, 210
Carrasco, Gonzola, 93
Carvajal, Francisco, 199
Casa del Obrero Mundial, 200
"Castes" of Mexico, 4
Cateiteros (tray-sellers), 43
Cattle-raising, 136–137
Cavalry, 56
Centennial celebrations, 21
Central Democratic Club, 185
Centurion, José Maria, 92
Chalco Canal, 44
Chamber of Deputies, 53
Chapala, Lake of, 126
Chapultepec, 57, 90, 192
Charles IV of Spain, 82
Chavero, Alfredo, 97–98
Chazaro, Layos, 202
Chianpinolli, 100
Chiapas, 132
Chicago Exhibition, Mexican pictures at, 93
Chichimecs, 171