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taken the lives and destroyed the property of American citizens, sometimes carrying American citizens across the international boundary with the booty seized.

"American garrisons have been attacked at night, American soldiers killed and their equipment and horses stolen. American ranches have been raided, property stolen and destroyed, and American trains wrecked and plundered. The attacks on Brownsville, Red House Ferry, Progreso Post Office, and Las Peladas, all occurring during September last, are typical. In these attacks on American territory, Carrancista adherents, and even Carrancista soldiers, took part in the looting, burning, and killing. Not only were these murders characterized by ruthless brutality, but uncivilized acts of mutilation were perpetrated. Representations were made to General Carranza, and he was emphatically requested to stop reprehensive acts in a section which he has long claimed to be under the complete dominion of his authority. Notwithstanding these representations and the promise of General Nafaratte to prevent attacks along the international boundary, in the following month of October a passenger train was wrecked by bandits, and several persons killed, seven miles north of Brownsville, and an attack was made upon United States troops at the same place several days later.

"Since these attacks, leaders of the bandits, well known both to Mexican civil and military authorities, as well as to American officers, have