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Mexican state. During that conversation the same subject (character of American citizens in Mexico), was brought up to me, and it was stated that the Americans who were in Mexico were not Americans who were seeking to make homes there and help the country, but they were solely representatives of corporations, there for the purpose of exploiting the people, obtaining possessions, getting hold of dollars, and coming back to this country, and that they had no right to demand protection for their property".

Other responsible officials of this Government have since sought to justify their failure to protect the persons and property of Americans against lawless aggression in Mexico by the astounding allegation that our citizens had so conducted themselves there that they were unworthy of protection by this Government! Under such circumstances it is hardly surprising that crimes against the persons and property of Americans in Mexico, not alone by revolutionists, but also by the present recognized government, have been continued and enormously increased.

It is beyond belief that England and France would have submitted tamely to the outrages perpetrated upon their citizens if they had not been so fully occupied in fighting the German friends of the Carrancistas for the freedom of the world. The fact that in this emergency America failed