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tens of thousands have within the past two decades emigrated to the wheat lands of Western Canada. These men, confident of the sort of government that they would be given by the Anglo-Saxon race became citizens of Canada and for more than four years fought the battles of their adopted country on the western front as a part of the Canadian troops who have made such glorious history.

Before leaving the subject of the destruction by the Carranza government of the property of citizens of our allies who for more than four years fought Germany, a reference to its effect upon the war would not be inappropriate. That such effect was achieved and that it was and is seriously burdensome to the Allies is easily shown.

The demands of the war have been particularly heavy upon copper, lead, rubber, and food, and the actions of the Carranza party have had a marked influence upon the production of all of those articles. It is, of course, impossible to secure at the present time any definite comparative figures by which the destruction of the industries producing those staples in Mexico can be accurately indicated. In the latter part of 1916, certain American mining interests operating in Mexico, supposed to represent in mass about two thirds of the American mining interests in that country, com-