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himself to the civilians and took many personal risks in their behalf."

In a report from a Red Cross Agent on file in the State Department at Washington appears the following:

"In conclusion, I only regret that some of our higher-up government officials could not have been with me to see the brand of individuals that are now in control of the situation in Mexico. They do not represent any of the good element in Mexico. They are lawless and have no more idea of patriotism than a yellow dog. They are mentally incapable of handling the situation. General Elisondo, in command at Monclova and also in command of a district larger than Massachusetts, is a boy of twenty-four years, uneducated and absolutely irresponsible. General Zuazua, formerly classed as a saloon bum around Eagle Pass, a Lieutenant-Colonel in command of a territory as big as Rhode Island, was sent to the Mexican army some fifteen years ago, having been arrested for stealing horses and cattle. These are not the exceptions but the rule of the character of the men who now dominate one of the largest states in northern Mexico. "This fact is largely due to Carranza, who has allowed them to do as they please and they have no respect whatever for him, each man ruling his district as he sees fit. "I do not find any difference between the Carranza faction and the Villa faction, with the exception that Pancho Villa seems to have a better control of his men.
