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these conditions, it is because its officials will shut their eyes and their ears."

This statement has never been challenged and it is so much of a part with other things that have been done by the Carranza party as to be entirely worthy of belief. That the terrible condition of the masses of Mexicans depicted in the reports of Red Cross officials, quoted, still continues is shown by an article published in the New York Sun January 29, 1918. The article is introduced by a statement from the Editor of the Sun which says:

"In view of the many conflicting reports that have come out of Mexico since the United States declared war on Germany, the Sun sent a trained investigator into Mexico from Vera Cruz. His instructions were to be impartial and unbiased in his views and to depict the situation exactly as it is.

In the article in question the investigator of the Sun says:

"Mexico City is full of starving Indians, insufficiently clad and with no shelter to protect themselves at night to escape the icy winds that sweep down from the encircled snow-clad mountains when the sun goes down. They huddle together for warmth on recessed doorsteps, passing the bitter night in a physical state that must somewhat ap-