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arms, by purchase from the commanders of the Carranza troops. On November 2, 1917, El Universal contained the following from a correspondent at Puebla under date of October 31:

"The Chief of the military operations in the state has decided to open proceedings against the chiefs of forces in charge of the garrisons near the zone not yet controlled by the government, who are accused of the very grave crime of being in connivance with the enemy to whom they furnish war supplies in exchange for articles easily sold which the Zapatistas introduce to the regions in which they operate.

"The accusations made to the superior military authorities were made by members of the Mexican brigade 'Hidalgo' which was under the orders of General Segura and which now is converted into a regiment. Officers and troops of said corps informed General Villaseñor that Col. Patrinos and Lieutenant Colonel Torres, chiefs of forces operating in the Atlixco District, had established a criminal trade with the Zapatistas marauding around said city; the trade consisting in the interchange of hides and copper, products of Zapata raids, for ammunition and other war supplies which the supreme government puts into the hands of the army for the defense of our institutions."

In its issue of June 5, 1918, El Excelsior published the following news item:

"In round numbers the amount stolen from the Federal Treasury by paymasters now consigned to