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The Federal appropriations passed by the Mexican Congress for 1918 were as follows:

Legislative Power 2,967,858.75
Executive Power 1,064,577.20
Judicial Power 1,552,258.00
Department of Government 1,280,428.50
Department of Foreign Affairs 3,362,591.50
Department of Finance and Public Credit 20,213,094.40
Department of War and Marine 120,755,631.65
Department of Agriculture and Fomento 7,005,683.00
Department of Communication and Public Works 21,382,229.65
Department of Industry and Commerce 2,831,384.00
Bureau of University and Fine Arts 2,269,301.00
Bureau of Public Health 1,898,396.50
Office of Attorney General of the Nation 549,888.50
Total 187,133,322.65

In a statement published in the Washington Star, October 31, 1917, from a person described as Charles A. Douglas, "Counsellor in the United States for the Mexican Government, who returned to Washington this week after a month's stay in Mexico," the following appears: