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order of date, is entitled "Plan of Guadalupe" and appears to be the declaration of principles upon which the Carranza revolution was founded. This declaration is dated March 26, 1913, and purports to have been signed by sixty-four officers of the troops of the state of Coahuila with which Carranza, then governor of that state, began his revolution against the Huerta government, which had succeeded the murdered Francisco Madero. In this "Plan of Guadalupe" appears the following;

"Whereas the legislative and judicial powers have recognized and protected General Huerta and his illegal and anti-patriotic proceedings contrary to constitutional laws and precepts;


we, the undersigned, chiefs and officers commanding the constitutionalist forces, have agreed upon and shall sustain with arms the following:

"1. General Victoriano Huerta is hereby repudiated as President of the Republic.


"4. For the purpose of organizing the army which is to see that our aims are carried out, we name Venustiano Carranza, now governor of the state of Coahuila, as first chief of the army which is to be called 'Constitutionalist Army.'

"5. Upon the occupation of the City of Mexico by the Constitutionalist Army, the executive power shall be vested in Venustiano Carranza, its first chief, or in the person who will substitute him in command.

"6. The provisional trustee or the executive power of the Republic shall convene general elec-