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President Donald J. Trump
The Honorable James Mattis
The Honorable James Comcy
Page 4

RT‘s global network.

The Committee has obtained a copy of an email dated November 13, 2015, sent by an official from RT TV-Russia explaining: “We will be covering the payment of General Flynn’s fee from our London office."

The Committee also obtained a copy of the transaction sheet for the payment, which confirms that RT transferred the funds from a financial institution in London known as National Westminster Bank PLC.

On November 20, 2015, an official from RT TV—Russia sent an email explaining why General Flynn was invited to this event: “Using your expertise as an intelligence professional, we’d like to talk about the decision—making process in the White House—and the role of the intelligence community in it.”

Another email sent by an official from RT TV-Russia on October 14, 2015, explained that the event would be an opportunity for General Flynn to network with “political influencers from Russia and around the world." A follow up email from another RT TV-Russia official on October 19, 2015, noted that “we‘re ready to cover all the travelling costs.”

The documents confirm that RT separately arranged for and provided funds for General Flynn’s accommodations for several nights at the Hotel Metropol, which “is in the heart of Moscow next to Red Square,” as an RT official explained in an email sent on November 9, 2015.

The documents show that RT also provided funds for General Flynn‘s business class airline tickets to and from Moscow, as well as for local transportation, meals, and incidentals. The documents do not include the amounts RT paid for these expenses.

According to the documents, RT also provided funds to cover all of the expenses for General Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr., to accompany him on the trip, including business class airfare and separate accommodations at the Hotel Metropol. The amount RT paid for his total expenses also was not provided.

Michael Flynn Jr. received an email directly from an RT official on October 19, 2015, inviting his father to the event and offering to cover all expenses: “RT will be delighted to cover all expenses related to travel, transportation and accommodation for the duration of the event.” He personally followed up with Leading Authorities on October 23, 2015, asking: “Any update on this event below? ls Steve out in London working this one? This is the event in Russia.”

The documents indicate that General Flynn sought more money from RT, but was asked to reduce his price. An RT official sent an email on November 9, 2015, writing that General Flynn‘s price was “a bit too high” and asking him “to reconsider the fee” and “reduce the price.”

In addition to these payments, the documents obtained by the Committee indicate that General Flynn received $11,250 for services on August 19, 2015. from Volga-Dnepr Airlines,