Page:Michael Farbman - The Russian Revolution & The War (1917).djvu/18

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the country with paper money, issued in contravention of the law, and this mad dance of paper millions led to an incredible Bacchanalia of profits. The soldiers being half serfs, received nothing, a mere few pence a month. Their wives, mothers and children actually died of hunger on the poor separation allowances made to soldiers' dependents. Workers got beggarly wages. And yet the country was swamped with millions. Joint-stock companies issued new stocks, doubling and trebling their capitals. Throughout the country rumours ran of legendary incomes and monstrous profits. The truth was fantastic enough, but rumour made it even more fantastic. It spoke of stupendous salaries taken by bank and company directors, of salaries of millions a year. The situation of Russia was thoroughly unhealthy, in a state of disease. In the midst of this most terrible war and amid the general impoverishment, an unprecedented business was done in jewellery, expensive furs and articles of luxury. It was the prevailing fashion, one might al-