Page:Michael Farbman - The Russian Revolution & The War (1917).djvu/44

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recourse to the traditional weapon of reaction in Russia—anti-Semitism. A whole literature of the gutter has been started for the purpose of instilling this virus of the pogromists into Russian life. Gutter newspapers, circulating only among the lowest classes—not the workers or artisans, but the indeterminate class of the street and the market-place—have been set to work. One of them with a big circulation is jointly edited by one of the Suvorins, sons of the notorious editor of the Novoye Vremya, and a well-known music-hall wrestler known in familiar parlance as "Uncle Vania." This paper and others are issuing a whole series of calumnies against the leaders of the C. W. S. D., giving lists of their alleged German-Jewish names, and alleging that the one aim of the Revolution is to secure the domination of the Jews and to reduce true Russians into the function of a subject race. These calumnies and false charges are occasionally quoted by large and more influential anti-Semitic papers and too often cabled abroad. Thus from these