Page:Michael Velli - Manual For Revolutionary Leaders - 2nd Ed.djvu/113

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ters and chairmen of the executive and factory committees appointed by the Central Committee and the Regional Committees govern in the name of these deputies. —The socialist state carries out democratic economic planning and guarantees the right of everyone to a secure job. It ensures basic human needs of food, clothing, housing and education. It guarantees the right of self-determination to oppressed nations—including self-governing territories if so desired. —Social consciousness is dominated by official concepts which have been imposed from above and which are not subject to any critical examination. —The system of democratic centralism, the basis of the life of the workers' society, perforce has to affect also the character of its ideology: —'In communist society, all means of production are common property. There are no classes and no class struggle. The consequences of class-divided society—racism, national chauvinism, male supremacy, the monogamous family based on property, etc.—all have disappeared. There are no wars, no armies, and no need for weapons of war, which have become historical curiosities. There are no distinctions between mental and manual work.' —This ideology is offered day after day in the Press and in the public declarations of the leadership and is taught to young people at the higher educational institutes and in the Party schools.

The Organization is a revolutionary vanguard, and as such we believe that the whole world must be freed. —The socialist revolution must have the specific content of serving the needs and interests of the oppressed people of the whole world. —We are one with all liberation struggles, we are one with all revolutionary movements, on the moon if necessary. —Socialism continues to spread across the face of the earth.