Page:Microscopicial researchers - Theodor Schwann - English Translation - 1947.pdf/301

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Cellular tissue from the embryo-sac of Chamedorea Schiedeana in the act of formation. a. The inner- most mass, consisting of gum with intermingled mucous granules and cytoblasts. 6. Newly formed cells, still soluble in distilled water. c-e. Further development of the cells, which, with the exception of the cytoblasts, may still coalesce, under slight pressure, into an amorphous mass.

The formative substance from fig. 1, a, more highly magnified, gum, mucous granules, nuclei of the cytoblasts, and cytoblasts.

A single and as yet free cytoblast, still more highly magnified.

. A cytoblast with the cell forming upon it. . The same, more highly magnified.

. The same. The cytoblast here exhibits two nuclei,

and is delineated in isolated after the destruction of the cell by pressure.

. The same cellular tissue in a higher degree of deve-

lopment than that represented by fig. 1, e. The contiguous cell-walls have already united. By making a transverse section, it may be distinctly perceived that the cytoblast is enclosed in the cell- wall.

. Cells from a delicate transverse section of the almost

matured albumen.