Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/255

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millionaires you have about here, for I haven’t even seven figures opposite my name; but short of that I did very well for myself out West there, and I earned it all fair, too—though I was pretty lucky, and that counts.

“Anyhow, never mind about that. Only I’ve got enough to have anything I want, and to give my friends something, too. So as soon as I got back. East I went straight down to the farm. But it was all shut up and a kind of green hedge where the fence used to be, and I judged it was sold, and I felt pretty sore about it, so I came right away.”

“They only come there in June,” Miss Trueman explained, “and they go back before Thanksgiving.”

“Yes. Well, I didn’t know that.”

He waited again for a few seconds, and Miss Trueman sat in respectful silence till he should continue.

“You see, I’d been East once before,