Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/65

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I work fer it? An’ I said yes. An’ she come into this ol’ vault of a suller, an’ she pointed to that ol’ heap o’ wood, an’ she tol’ me ter move it over ter that corner. An’ I done so fer half an hour. An’ I says to that blitherin’ fool over there, who was workin’ in that ol’ woodhouse, what the devil did she care w’ich corner the darned stuff was in? An’ he says that she didn’t care a hang, but that she’d tell the next man that come along to move it back to where I got it from; he said ‘twas a matter er principle with her not to give a man a bite fer nothin’! So I shut him in his ol’ house, an’ w’en she come down I gave her a piece of my mind. I don’t mind a little work, mister, but when it come to shufflin’ kindlin’s round in this ol’ tomb fer half an hour an’ makin’ a fool o’ myself fer nothin’, I got my back up. My time ain’t so vallyble to me as ’tis to some, gov’nor, but it’s worth a damn sight more’n that!”