Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 12.djvu/437

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PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 423 economic as opposed to a sentimental view of marriage, with suggestions for establishing a system of giving women a training for marriage.] J. W. Howerth. ' What is lieligion ? ' [A criticism of various inadequate definitions leading to the conclusion that ' religion is the effective desire to be in right relations to the power manifesting itself in the universe '.} H. Sturt. ' Happiness.' [An analysis of the conception of happiness leading to the result that it is to be distinguished from pleasure and can be neither the end nor the criterion of conduct.] J. B. Pratt. ' The Ethics of St. Augustine.' [Exposition and criticism.] Book Reviews. ZKITSOHRIFT FUR PSYCHOLOGIB UND PHYSIOLOQIE DBR SINNESORGANE. H. Ebbinghaus. ' Register zu den Biinden 1-25.' [Contains index of names (contributors and authors reviewed), list of reviewers, general subject index, and index of division headings.] Bd. xxix., Heft 4 und 5. M. Schaternikoff. ' Ueber den Einfluss der Adaptation auf die Erschei- nung des Flimmerns.' [Under the conditions of twilight vision (i.e., with very faint lights), the fusion frequencies increase with enhancement of the perceived brightness, whether this enhancement be effected by in- crease of the light intensity or by progressive adaptation to dark. On the other hand, with intensive lights the fusion frequency lessens as adaptation to dark increases : this result holds for white as for coloured light. The former result might have been expected ; the latter is expli- cable only if we assume two mechanisms in the visual apparatus (rod theory), and ascribe a greater inertia to the rods than to the cones.] M. Schaternikoff. ' Neue Bestimmungen iiber die Vertheilung der Dam- merungswerthe im Dispersionsspectrum des Gas- und des Sonnenlichts.' [Redeterrnination, by improved methods, of the distribution of brightness in a colourless spectrum (as seen with weak absolute intensity of light and complete adaptation to dark). The maximum lies at 537 '2 ^ for the gas spectrum, and at 529'3 nfi for the spectra of blue sky and direct sun- light.] V. Benussi. ' Ueber den Einfluss der Farbe auf die Grosse der Zollnerschen Tauschung.' [First part of an extended experimental study : summary is given below.] E. Storch. ' Ueber die Wahrnehmung musikalischer Tonverhaltnisse : Antwort an Dr. A. Samojloff.' [Brief recapitulation and defence of the author's theory, given in vol. xxvii., 361 ff.] K. G-roos. ' Experimentelle Beitrage zur Psychologic des Erkennens. ii. Die Anregung von Fragen bei Schiilern.' [Account of experiments by Griinewald, in many respects parallel to those described by the author in vol. xxv., 145 ff. (1) Distribution of the most important logical relations in the questions asked : the causal (and teleological) and the substantial (and attributive) relations head the list, as before. (2) Within the causal relation, regress (from effect to cause) has the pre- ponderance ; the interest in progress (cause to effect) increases, however, with increasing intellectual development. (3) The distinction between empty questions and questions of conjecture (questions with a germ of judgment) ; reply to Meinong's criticism in his Ueber Annahmen ; accep- tance of Meinong's Entscheidungsfrage for Vermuthungsfrage. (4) The proportion of questions of the second kind increases with advancing age, and within a given class is greater for the clever than for the dull scholars. Sketch of the general psychological procedure in active search for truth (in the putting of an Entscheidungsfrage) : this brings out the difference between logic and psychology, for the form of inference which is usually followed, and which is perhaps practically the most useful, is logically incorrect. Educational importance of studies like the present.] Literaturbericht. Heft 6. V. Benussi. ' Ueber den Einfluss der Farbe auf die Grosse der Zollnerschen Tauschung : Schluss.' [Conclusion of this elaborate investigation, of which we can here quote only the results.