Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 15.djvu/303

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PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 289 enztone und Konsonanz.' [Critique of F. Krueger.] R. P. Angler and W. Trendelenburg. ' Bestimmungen iiber das Mengenverhaltnis komp- lementarer Spektralfarben Weissraischungen.' C. M. Geissler. ' Das Ich im Traume, nebst einer kritischen Beleuchtung der Ich-Kontroverse.' [Discusses, with constant reference to the writer's previous works, the dream-processes of condensation, schematisation, and endophasia (all interpreted as means to the enhancement of mental energy) ; the gradual emergence of the bodily self in dreams from a feeling of centromotor regulation ; the formal and material contents of the dream-self, etc. Epistemologically the author sides with Avenarius and Schuppe as against Ziehen, making the feeling of motor regulation the essential constituent of the self.] CK Revesz. 'Wird die Lichtempfindlichkeit eines Auges durch gleichzeitige Lichtreizung des andern Auges verandert ? ' [Experiment shows that there is no uniform change.] R. Stigler. ' Beitrage zur Kenntnis von der entoptischen Wahrnehmung der Netzhautegefiisse.' [Describes some new and simple methods of observation.] R. Stigler. ' Eine neue subjektive Gesichtserscheinung.' [Projection of a polygonal network of silvery white lines.] Literaturbericht. Bd. xxxix., Heft 6. W. Peters. ' Aufrnerksamkeit und Zeitverschiebung in der Auffassung disparater Sinnesreize.' [Repetition and extension of Exner's experi- ments, with and without special direction of attention. Explanation in terms of inhibition and facilitation, with emphasis on motor adaptation as a feature of the attentive state.] R. P. Angler. ' Die Schatzung von Bewegungsgrossen bei Vorderarmbewegungen. ' [Under the conditions, accuracy of spatial estimation is independent of position and resistance or muscular tension, but dependent on rate of movement, whether active or passive. Explanation in terms of articular sensations.] O. E. Seashore. ' Die Aufmerksamkeitsschwankungen.' [Critique of Hammer.] Literaturbericht. Bd. xl., Heft 1 and 2. A. Marty. ' Ueber Annahmen. [Maintains that Brentano's division of primary mental functions into idea- tion, judgment, and interest is adequate, as against Meinong's view that assumptions form a class of functions lying midway between those of ideation and judgment. Detailed criticism of Meinong's work.] GK Alexander-Schaefer. ' Zur Frage Uber den zeitlichen Verlauf des Gedachtnisbildes fur verschiedene Sinnesreize.' [Repetition and ex- tension of Paneth's work, with visual, auditory, and tactual stimuli. No attempt at analysis.] A. Mueller. ' Ueber den Einfluss der Blickrich- tung auf die Gestalt des Himmelsgewolbes.' [Critique of Reimann and Deichmiiller ; new observations. The chief factor in the illusion of the form of the arch of the sky is, not atmosphere, but direction of regard ; though this is not, or not always, the main factor in the illusion of the greater size of the heavenly bodies on the horizon. The influence of colour on the whole group of illusions deserve study.] Literaturbericht. W. Stern. ' Kindespsychologie und Padagogik. II.' Bd. xl. , Heft 4. C. O. Taylor. 'Ueber das Verstehen von Worten und Satzen.' [Ex- periments on the ' understanding ' of language, heard or read ; dictation of simple problems, reading-to-oneself of paragraphs, abstract and concrete, listening to poetry, etc. Results : the understanding of concrete passages may be assisted by the rise of images, though these become fewer as the text becomes familiar ; that of abstract passages is rather hindered by such images ; the conscious attitude of ' understanding ' becomes less apparent the more familiar the material ; etc.] GK H. Schneider. ' Die Orientierung der Brief- tauben.' [Report of elaborate experiments. The birds are attracted by valleys and by clumps of houses ; difference between young and old birds ; specimen paths for different distances ; meaning of training to a certain direction. Explanation throughout in terms of perpetual im-