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Bosanquet, B.—Social Automatism and the Imitation Theory 167

Bradley, F. H.—Some Remarks on Memory and Inference 145

Callkins, M. W.—Time as Related to Causality and to Space 216

Carr, H. W.—On Mr. Shadworth Hodgson's Metaphysic of Experience 383

Hodgson, S. H.—Psychological Philosophies 433

Latta, R.—On the Relations between the Philosophy of Spinoza and that of Leibniz 333

McEwen, B.—Kant's Proof of the Proposition, "Mathematical Judgments are One and All Synthetical" 506

McTaggart, J. E.—Hegel's Treatment of the Categories of the Objective Notion 35

Moore, G. E.—The Nature of Judgment 176

Rashdall, H.—Can There Be a Sum of Pleasures? 357

Ravenshear, A. F.—Testimony and Authority 63

Ritchie, D. G.—Philosophy and the Study of Philosophers 1

Scott, W. R.—James Arbuckle and His Relation to the Molesworth-Shaftesbury School 194

Spiller, G.—Routine Process 438

Stratton, G. M.—The Spatial Harmony of Touch and Sight 492

Tönnies, F. (trans. by Mrs. B. Bosanquet).—Philosophical Terminology (I.) 289

Tönnies, F. (trans. by Mrs. B. Bosanquet).—Philosophical Terminology (II.)[1] 467

Washburn, Miss M. F.—Subjective Colour and the After-image: Their Signification for the Theory of Attention 25


Alexander, S.—T. Lipps, Raumaesthetik und geometrisch-optische Täuschungen 84

Bosanquet, B.—J. P. Durand (Le Gros), Aperçus de Taxinomie Générale 531

Editor.—H. Cornelius, Psychologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft 256

Gardiner, H. N.—F. Jodl, Lehrbuch der Psychologie 233

Hicks, G. D.—P. Barth, Die Philosophie der Geschichte als Sociologie (Erster Theil) 114

Jones, E. E. C.—C. Read, Logic, Deductive and Inductive 96

MacColl, H.—A. N. Whitehead, A Treatise on Universal Algebra, etc. (vol. i.) 108

Mackenzie, J. S.—C. v. Ehrenfels, System der Werttheorie 524

Marett, R. R.—H. R. Marshall, Instinct and Reason 536

Moore, G. E. B.—Russell, An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry 397

  1. To be concluded in vol. ix., No. 33 (January, 1900).