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432 PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI FILOSOFIA. May- June. A. Andres. 'La In- terpretazione Meccanica della Vita.' [Despite the admission of a special vital force by Aristotle, Leibnitz, Van Helmont, Barthey, Cuvier, Milne-Edwards, Virchow and others it is contended that vital manifesta- tions can be explained by the usual chemical, physical and mechanical laws, and thus the distinction between organic and inorganic is not one of kind but of degree, consisting in the greater complexity of composition of the former. The specially organic properties of movement and conscious sensation, in the higher animals, are similarly explained the former being a phenomenon of electric magnetic attraction and repulsion, while the latter is boldly faced by an hypothesis, namely, that every atom of matter possesses consciousness in an infinitely small degree, in proportion, to the infinitely small degree of its volume and weight. Owing to chemical combination of atoms, special properties become accentuated, whence are evolved, step by step, the various forms of organism.] Gr. Vidari. ' Le Scuole Secondarie e la Societa Presente.' [A discussion of the respective merits and positions of a liberal and pro- fessional education, with special reference to Italian Universities.] L. F. Ardy. ' Dante e la Moderna Filosofia Sociale ' [Continues the ex- position of Dante's views upon modern economic questions. The rela- tion of capital and labour finds place in the condemnation of usury. Under the general discussion of Cosmopolitanism against Patriotism, it is interesting to note that Dante, like Leibnitz, Kant and Victor Hugo, believed in a pax universalis, towards the attainment of which Art and Poetry are potent instruments.] E. Passamonti. ' Giovanni Battista Benedetti.' Bollettino, etc. July- August. A. Velar dita. ' Evoluzione e Dogma.' [A criticism of the attempt of Rev. S. A. Zahm to reconcile Eoman Catholic Theology and Evolution. The writer of the article shows that the ideas of a creation and of evolution are irreconcilable.] A. Bartolomei. ' I Principi Fondamentali dell' Etica di Roberto Ardig6 e le Dottrine della Filosofia Scientifica.' [This, the first of a series of articles, discusses the nature of Ethics from the Positivist standpoint, and especially, in the present instalment, the relation of Ethics to Sociology and the Theory of Rights. Natural right is the theoretical expression of a social consciousness or social ideal, which is critical and progressive, sometimes even revolutionary, though, in certain instances, tending towards conservatism.] Nota. F. Papafava. ' Origine delle Professioni secondo lo Spencer.' Bibliografia. Bollettino, etc.