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CONTENTS OF VOLUME IX. (NEW SERIES.) ARTICLES. PAGE BRADLEY, P. H. A Defence of Phenomenalism in Psychology . . 26 BRYANT, Mrs. S. The Double Effect of Mental Stimuli : a Contrast of Types 305 CALDWELL, W. Pragmatism ........ 433 DOUSE, T. LE MAECHANT. On Some Minor Psychological Interferences 85 EDITOR. Perception of Change and Duration ..... 1 GIBSON, VV. R. B. The Principle of Least Action as a Psychological Principle 469 HALDANE, R. B. Prof. Miinsterberg as Critic of Categories . . 205 HIKN, Y. The Psychological and Sociological Study of Art . . 512 JONES, Miss E. E. C. Dr. Ward's Refutation of Dualism . . . 356 KNOX, H. V. -Green's Refutation of Empiricism .... 62 MAI TOLL, H. Symbolic Reasoning (III.) ...... 75 McTAGGART, J. E. Hegel's Treatment of the Categories of the Idea . 145 MAHETT, R. R. The Normal Self: a Suggested Formula for Evolu- tionary Ethics ........... 496 MOORE, G. E. Necessity 289^- MYKRS, C. S. Vitalism : a Brief Historical and Critical Review (I.) . 218 (II. Conclusion) ........... 319 ROGRES, A. K. The Absolute of Hegelianism 332 SCHILLER, P. C. S. On the Conception of 'ENE'PFEIA 'AKINH2I'A2 . 457 SIDGWICK, H. Criteria of Truth and Error 8 STOKES, G. J. Logical Theory of the Imaginary ..... 349 STURT, H. The Doctrine of the Summum Bonum : a Criticism . 372 TONNIES, P. (Trans, by Mrs. B. Bosanquet) Philosophical Termino- logy (III. Conclusion) 46 WESTEBMARCK, E. Remarks on the Predicates of Moral Judgments . 184 DISCUSSIONS. HODGSON, S. H. Perception of Change and Duration a Reply. . 240 LOVKDAY, T. Perception of Change and Duration Some Additional Notes 384 I'KKSTON, S. T. Comparison of Some Views of Spencer and Kant . 234 ,, ,, Some Physical Conclusions in Respect to Space . 522 CRITICAL NOTICES. DHEWITT, J. A. J. H. Hoffding, A Modern History of Fhiloxo/tlt i/ (trans. Miss B. E. Meyer) . . . . ' . . . '. 401 PAIRREOTHER, W. H. J. H. Stirling, It hat is Thought ? etc. . . 536