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PHILOSOPHICAL TERMINOLOGY. 61 83. Third International Congress for Psychology, pp. 15, 18 (Munich, 1896). 89. Wilkins, John, An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philo- sophical Language, p. 385, 21 (London, 1668). 89. Descartes, Lettres, i., p. 611, sq. (Paris, 1657). 89. Leibniz, Historia et commendatio lingux characteristics: universalis, qua si HI ul .tit am inveniendi etjudicandi. Oeuvres philosophiques, ed, Baspe, p. 535 ff. (Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1765). 90. Kant, Kritik d. r. Vernunft, ed. Kehrbach, p. 275 (i., part 2, div. 2 book i. , par. 1 ). i)4. Leibniz, Nouveaux Essais, iii., 9, 11, Oeuvres, ed Kaspe, p. 299. 95. Cf., e.g.. Dove Maas und Messen, ed. 2 (Berlin 1853), Jacobi, UnM des poids et mesures (Petersburg, 1865). (Conclusion.)