Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/140

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NEW BOOKS. 129 Les Principes de la Morale. Par ]MILE BEAUSSIRE, Membre de 1'Institut. Paris : F. Alcan, 1885. Pp. 307. This work, after an Introduction on " The Present Crisis in Morals," falls into four parts : (1) " Formal Morals," (2) " Subjective Morals," (3) " Objec- tive Morals, (4) " Metaphysical and Religious Morals ". The ideas are not published for the first time, but have all been carefully reconsidered and worked into coherent form. Critical notice (already in print) is unavoid- ably deferred. Elements de Psychologie Physiologique . Par W. WUNDT, Professeur a 1'Universite de Leipzig. Traduits de 1'Allemand sur la deuxieme edition avec 1'autorisation de 1'Auteur par le Dr. ELIE ROUVIER, de Pignan, precedes d'une nouvelle Preface de 1'Auteur et d'une Intro- duction par M. D. NOLEN, Recteur de 1'Acadenrie de Douai. Avec 180 Figures dans le Texte. 2 Tomes. Paris: F. Alcan, 1886. Pp. xxxii., 571, 532. In the absence still of any English translation, this French rendering of Prof. Wundt's celebrated work should be welcome to many English students who are unable to read the original. It is specially prefaced by a couple of pages from the author himself (written at the end of 1884), as well as by a fairly appreciative summary of his psychological work from M. Nolen, to whom the translation is dedicated by a grateful pupil. Prof. Wundt, in his few paragraphs, after generally commending the exposition by which M. Ribot (in La Psychologie allemande) first made him known to French readers, takes occasion to correct the one false impression which he thinks M. Ribot gave, in representing the experimental movement as having decidedly gained the upper hand in Germany : however this may be hoped for in the future, it is not so at present. " In Germany, there are a number of psychological directions profoundly at variance with one another, though their representatives agree in detesting experimental or physiological psy- chology, and in being inclined to consider the teaching of its principles and results as a sort of blasphemy. They think of it as Dogberry did of thieves : ' For such kind of men, the less you meddle or make with them, why, the more is for your honesty ' ." La Science romaine a I'Epoque d'Auguste. Etude historique d'apres Vitruve. Par A. TERQUEM, Professeur a la Faculte des Sciences de Lille. Ex- trait des Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, de I' Agriculture et des Arts de Lille. Paris : F. Alcan, 1885. Pp. 174. This volume is a careful exposition of the state of the physical sciences at Rome in the time of Augustus, based on the information given inci- dentally by Vitruvius in his work on architecture. The course of the exposition is accompanied in each chapter by translated extracts from Vitruvius. The chapters are: (1) "General remarks on Vitruvius and his treatise on Architecture " ; (2) " Historical anecdotes " ; (3) " Manners and Customs"; (4) "Mathematics Astronomy" ; (5) "Mechanics"; (6) " Physics " ; (7) " Chemistry " ; (8) " Natural History Geography- Geology Materials of Construction"; (9) Hygiene Medicine"; (10) " Of the different species of Constructions ". Les vraies Bases de la Philosophie. Par B. FAUG. Deuxie'me Edition. Paris : E. Dentu, 1885. Pp. 323, Hi. This book begins with a " Succinct Resume* of the principal Systems of Philosophy " of all ages and nations (pp. 1-83). Here is the information 9