Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/223

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222 J. M. CATTELL : to draw back the armature after the current has been broken ; conse- quently the time recorded by the hands is shorter than the time the current flowed through the coil of the magnet. If, on the other hand, the current used is very strong, the soft iron is rapidly magnetised and the armature attracted. But the magnetism lasts a considerable interval after the current has been broken. Thus, it takes longer for the spring to draw back the armature after the current has been broken than it took the magnet to attract it after the current had been closed, and the time re- corded by the hands is longer than the time the current flowed through the coil of the magnet. If the strength of the current is not properly adjusted, the times recorded may be over A sec. too long or too short, an error as large as the whole length of the reaction-time. It is, however, possible so to adjust the relation between the strength of the spring and the strength of the current that it takes exactly as long for the magnet to attract the armature after the current has been closed as it takes the spring to draw it back after the current has been broken, and in this case the hands record the exact time the current flowed through the coil of the magnet. This can be done empirically by determining the time the cur- rent has been closed, and then so adjusting the strength of the spring and the current that the hands record the correct time. For this purpose (as well as for others later to be described) I have used an instrument, which, with reference to theuse for which it was first devised, 1 I call a Gravity- Chronometer. It consists (Fig. 1) of two heavy brass columns 30 cm. high and 10 cm. apart, standing perpendicular to the base. The columns can be set exactly perpendicular by means of the three screws on which the apparatus stands. Wedge-shaped grooves are worked in the columns, and in these, a heavy soft iron screen slides without appreciable friction. This screen is held up by an electromagnet, which can be adjusted at any height de- sired. When the current passing through the coil of the magnet is broken, the screen falls, falling through the same distance in an exactly constant time. On one of the columns small keys (Figs. 2 and 3) can be fastened, which respectively close and break a current. They each consist of a hard rubber basin tilled with mercury, the mercury being in connexion with a binding screw ; a lever with a platinum point, connected by a wire with a binding screw, dips into the mercury. In the one key (Fig. 2) the lever is so adjusted that the point does not touch the mercury, but when the key is fastened to the column of the gravity- chronometer and the lever is struck by the falling screen, the point is thrown into the mercury. In the other key (Fig. 3.) the lever dips into the mercury, but is thrown out (as shown in the figure) when struck by the screen. The keys are fastened to one of the columns, as at x and // (Fig. 1), the key (Fig. 2) at which the current is interrupted being above. The current controlling the chronoscope passes through both "of these keys, the connexion, however, bring interrupted at the upper key. The screen is now allowed to fall by breaking a current (not the chronoscope current) which through the electromagnet had been holding it up. After the, screen has attained a considerable velocity it strikes the lever of the upper key, and throws it into the mercury ; thus the current controlling the chronoscope is closed and the hands are set in motion. After the screen 1 See Philosophische Studien, iii. 1 ; Brain, Oct., 1885. The apparatus described in this paper was made, under my direction in the workshop of Carl Krille, Leipsic, and he can supply duplicates. The apparatus can be examined in the Psychological Laboratory, Leipsic, or in the Army Medi- cal Museum, Washington.