Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/624

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INDEX. XX111 W Wahle, R. , Gehirn und Bewusstsein, x. 151. Wake, C. S., The Evolution of Morality, iii. 290. Waldstein, C. , The Balance of Emotion and Intellect, iii. 581, iv. 287. WALLACE, E. (c) See A. W. Benn. Wallace, E., Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle, (2nd ed.) v. 436, (3rd ed.) viii. 455 ; Aristotle's Psychology, (T. DAVIDSON) vii. 586 ; Death of, x. 159. WALLACE, W. (a) Ethics and Sociology, viii. 222. (c) See J. B. Mayor, H. Vaihinger. Wallace, W., Epicureanism, vi. 145 ; Kant, vii. 448. WARD, J. (a) An Attempt to interpret Fechner's Law, i. 452 ; Psychological Principles, viii. 153, 462. WARD, L. F. (b) Mind as a Social Factor, ix. 563. Ward, L. F., Dynamic Sociology, viii. 619, (G. ALLEN), ix. 305. WARD, W. G. (b) Dr. Bain on Free- will, v. 264. Ward, W. G., On Free-will, (A. BAIN, S. H. HODGSON) v. 116, 226, vi. 107 ; Essays on tlie Philosophy of Theism, ix. 464 ; Death of, vii. 610. Ward, W., The Wish to Believe, x. 302. Warner, F., Physical Expression, x. 465. WATSON, J. (a) The Method of Kant, v. 528. Watson, J., On Transcendentalism, (A. J. BALFOUR) vi. 260 ; Kant and his English Critics, vi. 441, (R.ADAMSON) 557 ; Schelling's Transcendental Ideal- ism, viii. 137. Watson, P. B., Marcus Aurelius Antoni- nus, x. 143. Webb, T. E., The Veil of Isis, x. 299. Weber, E. H., Death of, iii. 295. WEDGWOOD, H. (b) The Foundation of Arithmetic, iii. 572. Weir, A., The Critical Philosophy of Kant, vi. 596. Weisenberg, W., Theismus und Pan- theismus, vi. 297. Werner, K., Die Italienische Philo- sophic des IQlen Jahrhunderts, (I. -II.), x. 479. WHITTAKER, T. (a) "Mind-Stuff" from the Historical Point of View, vi. 498 ; Giordano Bruno, ix. 236. (c) See J. G. Schurman, H. Sommer, A. Bolliger, A. Meinong, G. J. Romanes, D. G. Thompson, W. H. Rolph, A. Fouillee, T. Lipps. Wilson, J., Thoughts on Science, Theo- logy and Ethics, x. 464. Wilson, W. D., Live Questions in Psy- chology and Metaphysics, iii. 427. Windelband, W., Praludien, ix. 162, (D. G. RITCHIE) x. 135. Wirth, J. U-, Death of, iv. 603. Witte, J. H., Zur Erkenntnisstheorie und Ethik, iii. 293. Word, The, (T. HARPER) viii. 372. WUNDT, W. (a) Central Innervation and Consciousness, i. 161 ; Philosophy in Germany, ii. 493. Wundt, W., Der Spiritismus, iv. 603 ; Logik, (I.) v. 296, (A. SIDGWICK), 409, (II.) ix. 158, (J. VENN) 451; Grundziige der physiologischen Psycho- logie (2te Aufl.), vi. 445. Young's Theory of Colours, A. M. Mayer on the History of, i. 270. Zart, G., Einfluss der englischen Philo- sophen seit Bacon auf die deutsche Philosophic des 18. Jahrhunderts, vii. 155. Zeller, E., Plato and the Older Academy (tr.), i. 572 ; Socrates and the Socratic Schools (tr., 2nded.), ii. 579; Vortrdge und Abhandlungen (II.), iii. 152 ; Greek Philosophy to the Time of So- crates (tr.), (A. SETH) vi. 286 : Eclec- ticism, in Greek Philosophy (tr.), ix. 156. Zetetical Society, The, vi. 603. Zimmern, Helen, Arthur Schopenhauer, i. 294 ; Gotthold Ephraim Leasing, iii. 290. O