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Ord. No. 15 of 2010

“PWD” (殘疾人士) means a person who holds a valid Registration Card for People with Disabilities issued by the Central Registry for Rehabilitation established by the Government;

“student intern” (實習學員) means—

(a) a student undergoing a period of work arranged or endorsed by an education institution specified in Schedule 1 in connection with an accredited programme being provided by the institution to the student; or
(b) a student resident in Hong Kong and undergoing a period of work arranged or endorsed by an institution in connection with a non-local education programme being provided by the institution to the student,

for which the work is a compulsory or elective component of the requirements for the award of the academic qualification to which the programme leads;

“trial period of employment” (僱傭試工期) means a trial period of employment referred to in section 2 of Schedule 2;

“wage period” (工資期)—see section 5;

“wages” (工資), subject to section 6, has the same meaning as in the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57);

“work experience student” (工作經驗學員) means a student who—

(a) is enrolled in an accredited programme; or
(b) is resident in Hong Kong and enrolled in a non-local education programme,

and who is engaged under a contract of employment at the beginning of which he or she is under the age of 26 years.

3. Exempt student employment

A work experience student and his or her employer may agree to treat a continuous period of up to 59 days during the contract of employment (“the current contract”) as a period of exempt student employment if—

(a) no period during another contract of employment to which the work experience student was a party and that commenced in the same calendar year as the current contract was a period of exempt student employment; and
(b) the work experience student provides to the employer before the commencement of the current contract a statutory declaration (or copy of a statutory declaration) made by him or her verifying the fact set out in paragraph (a).