Page:Mion-Chaint - Ua Laoghaire (1899).djvu/29

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Dá mba rud e go ḃfanfá go lá níor ṁisde ḋuit teaċt go dtí an teine.
If it was a thing that you would stay till morning you might come to the fire.
Dá mba rud é go dtiocfá ar ḟanṁaint go lá níor ṁór duit sgéala do ċur aḃaile.
If it was a thing that you would come on staying until morning you would want to send word home.
Ar iarais air, má ba rud é go ḃfanfaḋ sé go lá, sgéala do ċur aḃaile?
Did you ask him to send word home if it was a thing that he would stay till morning?

In this sentence, má ba rud é intimates the speakers approval. Dá mba rud é would intimate the speaker's indifference, or disapproval, of the party's remaining.

Dá mba rud é go ḃfaġainn fiċe púnt ar an gcapal agus deiċ púint ar an mboin is beag ná go mbeiḋeaḋ an leaṫċíos agam.
If it was a thing that I would get twenty pounds for the horse and ten pounds for the cow, I would have nearly the half-year's-rent.
Dá mba rud é go mbeiḋeaḋ an lá amáraċ ar fóġnaṁ d’ ḟeadfaíḋe cruaċ ḋo ḋéanaṁ de ’n ḟeur sain ṫíor.
If it was a thing that to-morrow would be any way fair, a rick could be made of that hay below.
Dúḃairt leis má ba rud é go mbeiḋeaḋ an lá ar foġnaṁ, cruaċ do ḋeanaṁ de ’n ḟéur.
I told him, if the day was any way fair, to make a rick of the hay.