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Carton, Petrus Francis O.P. 215 Carvahal, de, Francisco, bishop 7*;?; Luysa -n Cass, O.B. 218; An(n) 231, 290, 292; Ann (Mary) 2S9; Dorothy 231 ; Jane 231 ; Margaret 231 Cassade, Maria 220 Cassin, Catharine 236 Castle Leavington, Yorks. 3S8, 390"/z, 389* ; Kirk-Levington, near 390^ Castrique, Mary Joseph Sophia 173 Castro, Melchior 10; de, Mel- chior 9, io«; Rodrigo, cardinal arch- bishop 6«, 7«, 8 Cater, Ann 229 Catesby, iSo«, 182K; , Sir Wil- liam i,c,ii Catterall, O.P. 239; Alex- ander Benedict O.S.B. 239* Catterel, John O.P., provincial 210*;^ Catterick, 29; i65*«; Edmund, ven. martyr 165;; ; John i65*;z ; Margaret i65«; Hail 15577; Clare Lodge, near 29 Catton, Alice 223; John 221 Caufstock, Essex 180 Causey Park, Northumberland 249, 254, 264 Cavanage, Catharine 349; Dina 349; James 349 Cavendish fed. j. 314 Caverner, Diana 371 Cay, Mrs 266 Cecil, John i, 2*n, 4, 5*;z, 14-16 fass.; Mary 34S* ; Thomas 347, 348; see Sicill Celle, La 23S Civita Vecchia, 2io*«  Chadwick, Eleanora 225 ; Mary 232 Chaffers, Elizabeth 225 ; Mary 225 Chalcedon, bishop of 15;; Challoner, Richard, bishop i, 14^ Chalmers, Isabella 229 Chamberlain, Chamberlayn, George 8, 9?7, i6*«  Chambers, Martha 236; Robert 175 Chamley, 236 Champ, Maria(e), Mary 305, 306*, 308, 309 Champhey [Champnev], GuHelmus O.B. 21S; Mary 232 Champion, Francis 364 ; Margarett 364* Champney, 236 ; Ann 224, 226 ; Bridget 224 ; Catherine 224 ; Elizabeth 270; James 269; Jane 229; Mary Ann 234; Teresa 226; Wini- iride 227 Chanbery, convent of 209;; Chandler, bishop 251 Chantrell, Elizabeth Ann Clare 164 Chantrill, Anne Clare 169; Elizabeth 150* ; John 212 Chapeltown 219 Chaple, 379 Chapman, Ed. 335 Charge, Elizabeth 226; Jane 222 Charing, Kent 214^ Charles I 190;;, fed. f. 314; II 152^; , Anna 305 ; Elizabetha 303 ; Gulielmus 303; Henricus 304; Jaco- bus 311; Josephus 304; Maria 301- 305 fass., 311; Marie 302; Richard 301-306 fass., 311 ; Thomas t,^;^ Charl(e)ton, 210; Mrs 241*; D.D. 239; Ann 243; Betty 247; Catherine loon; Edward, bart. ioo«; Eliz. 243, 247; Jane 227; John 243; Mary loon; Teresa 225; Winefred 227 Charnley, Ginet 220 ; Helen 220 Charnock, Lanes. 220 Chasly, Catharine 232 Chatt, Ann ^33, Chatterton, Elizabeth 234; Margaret -^.■>3 Cheesburn Grange 213,7, 2i7;7 Cheeseman, Frances 335 Cheltenham, 254 Cheneley, John Lewis 366 Cherrington, co. Warwick ^,2,2, 369 Cheshire, Rebecca 372 Chester 21577, 326, 328, 33677; , Mary 349 Chester le Street 223, 251 Chesters, in parish of Warden, Xorthumberland 266-270 fass. Chertsey; . Lower Woburn Lodge 21477; Woburn Farm near 21477 Chevalier de St George 9277, 102;? Chevers, Edward 3577 ; family 3577 ; Martha 26, 35 Chew, Mary Ann 230 Chicken, Francis 226 Chideock, Dorset 296* Chieveley, Prior's Court House 181 t^ Chiezer, Bartholomew 302 ; Lucy 302 ; Sara 302 Chillingham, Northumberland 407^ Chillington, Staffs. 3377; Hall 6277 Chillton, Christopher 191*; Elizabeth 191*; Gertrude 191*; Henrietta 191;? Chipping Norton, Oxon. 33 1«, 346, 369 Chollerton on the North Tyne 237 Cholmley, 394 Chorley, Lanes. 677, 249 Christie, Jane 344, 37S ; Joseph 344 Christian, Ann 231 ; Eliza 233 ; James 1577; Mary 233* Christy, James 372