Page:Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects.djvu/157

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Two of them manufacture woollen goods, carpets, rugs, and broadcloths (one also combines the manufacture of cotton goods to some extent), possessing about 20,000 spindles and 600 looms, and employing about 1,500 women and 1,000 men.

One is a bleaching concern, employing 250 men.

One a machine shop, employing 700 men.

49. The capital stock of the companies varies in amount from $300,000 (60,000l.), to $2,600,000 (300,000l.); the total for the whole being $14,000,000 (2,800,000l.).

The interiors of the mills are kept in a state of great cleanliness. The rooms are lofty and properly ventilated: their white ceilings and walls combined with the blue hangers and columns, have a pleasing appearance.

The courtyards of many of the mills are laid out with flower-beds, interspersed with shrubberies, or shaded by lofty trees, and great care seems to be taken to keep them in good order.

50. Water power is used for driving the machinery in all the mills. It is obtained by means of a large and deep canal which is cut from the river at some distance above the town.