Page:Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects.djvu/33

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nery of almost every description. Peculiar threads will, of course, be always required for particular purposes, but in screws for general use in fitting up machinery, the advantage of uniformity would be paramount to every other consideration.

It does not appear that any combined effort has been hitherto made to attain this object. As yet there is no recognized standard. This will not be matter of surprise, when it is considered that any standard must be, to a great extent, arbitrary. It is impossible to deduce a precise rule for the threads of screws from mechanical principles, or from any number of experiments. On the other hand, the nature of the case is such that mere approximation would be unimportant, absolute identity of thread for a given diameter being indispensable.

To how great an extent the choice of thread is arbitrary will appear from a cursory consideration of the principles affecting it. Without attempting to discuss these in detail, which would be foreign to the present purpose, it may be interesting to notice the general outline and bearings of the subject.

The use of the screw bolt is to unite certain parts of machinery in close and firm contact. It is peculiarly adapted for this purpose by the compact form in which it possesses the necessary